Documents and Regulations

Documents and Regulations

The Competition Technical Support Group is Chaired by:

Toni Brunsdon (Director of Competitions)  Email:

CTSG Administrators are:

Zoe Cliftlands and Carol Pring - Email:


Regional Leagues and Tournaments are administered by: The Regional Management Board

For all Leagues and Tournaments please ONLY use email:



* Rules and regulations - Handbook rev 2024_25 v1.0


Pre Match Day - Forms and League Documents

* Additional player form Google Form 

Please complete this form for any additional players that you have added to ENgage by 17:00 hrs on the Thursday prior to the published fixture date.

Additional registration of players will NOT be accepted after 17:00 hrs on:   

Junior Divisions 1 = 20th February 2025                             Junior Division 2 = 13th February 2025                                      

U19 Divisions 1 and 2 = 13th February 2025                      Open Divisions 1, 2 and 3  = 20th February 2025


* Age Banding Process Document          * Age Banding Application Form

* Change or Addition to Club Contacts - Google form

* Fixture Postponement / Rearrangement Request Form Google form


* Transfer Form Google Form 

Transfer Window will operate for all divisions at the mid-point of the regional league season:
U19's = 2nd December 2024 to 1st January 2025                        ALL other divisions = 15th December 2024 - 1st January 2025

For any requests for Under 18's - please ensure the Parent/Carer details are in the correct boxes.

• This form is to be completed and will be submitted to the relevant administrator for the age group that person plays in
• Players completing this form must NOT have taken to the court for 12 or more quarters of the NS-RL.

• Transferred players cannot play a league game for their new club until they have received written permission from the relevant league administrator
• The penalty for playing an ineligible player is 3 points deduction per match


Match Day - Forms and League Documents

* Accident report form  - PDF Doc

* Concussion Guidelines (Guidelines) - PDF Doc

               Appendix 1       Appendix 2       Appendix 3


* Match day Venue Risk Assessment  - Google Form 


* Match day RESULTS sheet for ALL Age Groups - PDF Doc                 

inclduing QR Codes to upload documents to Age relevant Google Forms

Match Day RESULTS sheet SAMPLE with scenario


* Running Score Sheet - PDF Doc     

Running Score Sheet instructions - PDF Doc         * Running Score Sheet Example - PDF Doc




EN Codes of Conduct  PDF            EN Social Media Policy  PDF

* Matters of Concern Process  Google PDF                     * Matter of Concern                 Google Form

* Playing under Protest            Google Form



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